For over 35 years, the Florida Local Users’ Group has provided the most realistic and economical training in the Southeast. Our instructors are some of the bests in the industry, which helps make FLUG the best value for your CADD training dollar. FLUG is not a Marketing Event. FLUG’s primary purpose is to keep engineers, designers and technicians up to date and educated about the latest CADD information in the technology world. We are here to help you and your company succeed and grow. Our attendees are the go-getters, the mainstays of your office. Our attendees come to FLUG to expand their working knowledge in software and applications so your professional firm can win projects. The accomplishments of FLUG attendees and their companies are unprecedented. Our instructors encourage FLUG attendees to bring project and real-world questions to FLUG. Our instructors are here for YOU! Their job is to educate you. Your success is a direct reflection of our instructors and their desire to teach you the most worthwhile process for achievement.